The title of this Webinar speaks for itself. It basically teaches teachers how to handle students presenting bad behavior in classrooms in a more effective way. Effective meaning that this disciplinary practice teachers will use is intended on making the outcome a more routinely behavior. In other words, Dr. Rose is trying to create a system in which misbehaving students will learn how to stop their wrong behavior by following a routine. Once teachers sense that a student is going to being misbehaving they can begin to follow the stepped procedure they have set for the student in order to prevent the behavior from escalating to the extreme. Dr. Rose also states that each misbehavior is dealt with in different measures. Each misbehavior has to have its own plan, execution and time to be worked on. For students with multiple misbehaviors, teachers should state them all and assess which one is most important to be dealt with first according to severity or necessity.
The program consists of 4 steps.
⇒Step 1: teaming Purpose: Members (desired)
Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of team functioning.
Outline roles and responsibilities.
Determine a consensus-making process.
Members (desired)Person with knowledge of student (e.g., Classroom teacher, parent, related service provider, paraeducator,).
Someone with expertise in functional assessment, behavioral principles (school psychologist, behavior specialist, counselor, etc.).
Someone with knowledge of context/resources.
⇒Step 2: Goal Setting Purpose: Targeted Areas:
Identify behaviors of greatest concern to the team and possible replacement behaviors (teach).
Prioritize and operationalize behaviors.
Develop teacher friendly baseline data collection system.
Targeted Areas:Problem behaviors.
Social skillsAcademic behaviors.
Tools Goal-Setting Form
⇒Step 3: PTR Assessment
Each team member independently answers a series of questions (5+ pages for EACH target) related to:
Observed antecedents/triggers of problem behaviors.
Functions of the problem behaviors.
Consequences ordinarily associated with the problem behaviors.
PTR facilitator summarizes input and develops draft hypothesis- based on patterns of response.
Team reaches consensus.
Tools Functional Behavior Assessment Checklist.
Functional Behavior Assessment Summary Table
Each team member independently answers a series of questions (5+ pages for EACH target) related to:
Observed antecedents/triggers of problem behaviors.
Functions of the problem behaviors.
Consequences ordinarily associated with the problem behaviors.
PTR facilitator summarizes input and develops draft hypothesis- based on patterns of response.
Team reaches consensus.
Tools Functional Behavior Assessment Checklist.
Functional Behavior Assessment Summary Table
⇒Step 4: Behavior Support Plan
Team selects supports/interventions from each component (P-T-R).
Detailed behavior plan developed.
PTR Facilitator provides training and assistance with plan implementationImplementation fidelity evaluated.
Tools: Intervention ChecklistIntervention Scoring Table.
Behavior Intervention Plan Hypothesis.
Behavior Intervention Plan
Team selects supports/interventions from each component (P-T-R).
Detailed behavior plan developed.
PTR Facilitator provides training and assistance with plan implementationImplementation fidelity evaluated.
Tools: Intervention ChecklistIntervention Scoring Table.
Behavior Intervention Plan Hypothesis.
Behavior Intervention Plan